Friday, June 17, 2011

Let them eat cake

Kev's birthday was on wednesday and the kids were super excited about it, any reason for them to eat cake is exciting!  Since he had to work we got to work at home making him a cake and it is work with the three helpers I have.  O is usually in charge of getting the ingredients out of the pantry for me, he grabbed a huge bad of sugar, put it up over his head and tipped it over, needless to say we were not off to a very good start.    It took a little longer than normal but we did manage to pull it off...

the finished product, all from scratch

hope it was a good wish

we did some serious damage

I got Kev a new wedding band for his birthday, he lost his original one the first year we were married.  He swears its at my moms house somewhere, she is a packrat and saves everything so I highly doubt it's there.  Anyway we'll see how long this one lasts...
We love you daddy!

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