Thursday, March 31, 2011


Kev has been gone for the past 2wks and we've had some visitors come to help:

Auntie Lauren rocking Norah 

cashed out, job well done!

Auntie Courtney reading to Odog who has a very short attention span

Taking care of all these kids on a daily basis is a daunting task to say the least and every time we have visitors I'm sure they are very happy to go back home.  Not in a mean way but these kids wear you out big time, like you need a vacation when you go back home type of wear you out.  We really appreciate you guys coming to visit!

We miss you

1 comment:

  1. See this is why we need to be neighbors! That way we can live our husbandless lives next door and trade off children :) Stay strong E!


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