Saturday, November 6, 2010


We're finally having some fall-like weather here, it feels so nice!  I made Chili for dinner tonight and then we had a fire complete with marshmallows.  We've had a few fires since we've lived here but this is the first time it's really been cool enough to enjoy it.  The kids like the building/collecting wood part and then loose interest until the marshmallows come out.  What kid doesn't love marshmallows over a fire (we've tried s'mores but they were more interested in just the marshmallow part), they would have eaten them all night if I hadn't cut them off.

the gang

play time

O gets to go first


F cooling hers off

It's suppose to be back in the 80's next week so we'll enjoy it while we can!

1 comment:

  1. How fun! We're LOVING this weather, too! Your little bumblebees were SO cute!!


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