Friday, September 24, 2010

SA Childrens Museum

Kev took the day off on thursday, I had an ultrasound in the afternoon so he stayed home with the kids.  We went to the childrens museum in the morning and then to Rainforest Cafe for lunch.  The museum is actually on the Riverwalk a place that I would never dream to take all 3 kids but it wasn't too crowded and luckily nobody actually fell into the river.  For those of you that have never been it is a river running through downtown, a tourist trap and has no barrier between where you walk and the river itself.
Anyway I think this is the 1st time Kev and I have ever gone to the museum together, we have seasons passes but it's usually just one of us with the kids.  Since he was with me I was able to bring my camera and take some photos of everyone.  I think their favorite spot is the HEB kids market complete with carts, groceries and working registers.  We stayed there for at least 45mins and O was mostly in charge of working the register after the girls brought cart after cart of groceries to him.
It is a small museum but has plenty of hands on stuff to keep the kids happy and they change it up quite a bit so we never get bored.

pure joy in the ball area

teamwork to fill up the tube

 O in the cockpit of the plane

a giant light bright board (I think that's what they were called)

K making music by jumping

filling up their shopping cart

O checking the girls out

Maybe someday he'll work in a grocery store, that was actually my 1st ever real job and I turned out OK right.  Living in a bigger city has it's perks especially since this is the biggest city we've even been stationed in.  It's nothing compared to Boston but it's the best we can do for right now and I think Kev actually prefers small towns now anyway so we'll enjoy all the perks here in SA while we can.

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