Friday, June 25, 2010

Sea World

Kev had a few days off before he had to start work here in TX so we made the most of them.  We got our season's pass to Sea World and took the kids one afternoon.  It is easily over 100 degrees most afternoons here but it doesn't seem to bother the kids at all, now Kev that's a different story.  Anyway we only got to see about 1/4 of the park because we got side tracked in the kids play area but we will go back to see more.

watching the new show Azul

climbing up a big rope wall

of course the girls want to go too

a big sandbox and O is perfectly happy

O also got the feed some dolphins fish but he went too fast and I couldn't get a photo.  We have a lot more to see and they kids ask to go back almost everyday, maybe sometime this weekend.

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