Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Big Guns

Please don't be worried O has actually put on about 5lbs in the past few months, muscle beach here he comes..

This weekend was also haircut time and we all know how much he loves hates getting a haircut.

The girls were sleeping so we were out playing on the porch.
He had to take his shirt off to "air out his belly" in other words he was sweating his a** off.  I told him to do some muscle poses for me and it kinda turned into karate type fighting, he was pretty serious about it. He generally doesn't let me take his picture but he was totally game in this instance, typical boy wanting to show off his muscles (or lack thereof).

Monday, June 28, 2010

THE birds

So we have 2 birds that have been torturing us since we moved in, like pure torture I never thought a bird could inflict.  They fly at the windows 100's of times a day, front, back, side whatever.  They start around 6am and go for about 2hrs and then come back around 7:30pm for another 2hrs or so.  They are relentless and fly at the windows non-stop and don't even slow down after a few good hits.  What is worse is that they wake the kids up too early in the morning and we all know that is a big no no in the Welch house.  So Kev and O have been on a mission for the past week to take care of the birds, I knew it was not a good idea but who listens to me anyway.  So far no luck but I could have told you that, Kev has bigger plans in the works but I think I've put a squash on them for a while.

I normally don't promote a 3yo learning how to shoot anything but this bird is driving me crazy and O wants in on the action and we are in TX after all (yea I've definitely lost my mind).  With a little more practice maybe they will finally get 'em, fingers crossed.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

O's work site

There is still a lot of construction going on in our neighborhood and O is in heaven.  He has many 'work sites' that are his once the regular crew goes home.  On weekends Kev takes the kids to sit on the equipment and explore O's worksite.  K and F are his coworkers and take their jobs very seriously, good thing they are not afraid to get dirty.

F helping O get his truck up the hill

talk about off roading

back with his load to dump

c'mon girls we have work to do

what is wrong with this photo?

Yes that is K pushing the mower with a bike helmet on, Kev has a drill to fix the back of O's truck to make dumping his load easier.  Mind you it's probably over 100 degrees at this point and everyone is beat red but not slowing them down at all.  

Friday, June 25, 2010

Visit Home

Here are a few photos from our visit home last month.  The kids had a great time although it takes them a little while to adjust to seeing so many new people.  This is one of the hardest things about being a military family, the kids don't really know their extended family.  We only come home about once a year at the most so they forget everyone and have to start over every time.  O has a blast with his cousins Riley and Harlin and asked if he could see them almost everyday we were home.  The girls had fun with their cousin Hannah who is only 10mths younger than them.  Hopefully as they get older we'll be able to make more trips home, it's hard to drag 3 kids too far away from home.

Taking a trip to Popi's shed, their favorite hangout

sitting in Pa's big pumptruck

jumping in the crib with cousin Hannah

playing in the pool with Pa

relaxing with Popi

Sea World

Kev had a few days off before he had to start work here in TX so we made the most of them.  We got our season's pass to Sea World and took the kids one afternoon.  It is easily over 100 degrees most afternoons here but it doesn't seem to bother the kids at all, now Kev that's a different story.  Anyway we only got to see about 1/4 of the park because we got side tracked in the kids play area but we will go back to see more.

watching the new show Azul

climbing up a big rope wall

of course the girls want to go too

a big sandbox and O is perfectly happy

O also got the feed some dolphins fish but he went too fast and I couldn't get a photo.  We have a lot more to see and they kids ask to go back almost everyday, maybe sometime this weekend.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Last day in VA

I am so far behind blogging because of our move and we are currently 'hijacking' internet from our neighborhood so it is super unreliable.  Here is where we left off, our last day in VA.  Our great friends came to say goodbye and although I don't think any of the kids quite got it I know us moms did.  It makes me so sad. for O especially. knowing he may never see some of his old VA friends again, sure he'll make new ones wherever we are but it still breaks my heart when he has to say goodbye.  I have a feeling Luke may be down for a visit though since we do have a Sea World here in San Antonio and whales are his favorite.

O and Luke playing some sort of construction notice the dirt they brought into the street

Most of the group minus K and F

Now that we have kids involved saying goodbye is definitely going to be the hardest part of moving and it's only going to get harder as they get bigger.  Sure as adults we can talk to our old friends whenever we want but the kids just don't have that luxury, not yet at least.
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