Sunday, January 10, 2010

Feeding baby

My girlfriend came over the other day with her son and 9wk old daughter, a baby!  O would not let the baby out of his sight, he was so in love with her.  K was very interested too but only from a distance she didn't want to get too close especially once she noticed the baby was moving, none of her babies move??  Anyway she asked if I minded if she nursed the baby, of course I said no since I had nursed all 3 of mine.  Well O was very interested in what she was doing, like 2 inches from her boob.  He asked a million questions and I felt so bad although she didn't seem to mind.  So after she left he ran over to get one of the girls babies and started feeding his baby with his milk.  It was so cute I had to take a picture, he was so serious about it and then told all of us to be quiet because he had to put his baby to bed.  He wanted to know where we could get a baby, a baby brother of course!

1 comment:

  1. Trey did this EXACT thing while I was nursing Noah! It's great :) And then... Trey told us that he didn't make milk... he made orange juice. Nice. I want those boobs...


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