Saturday, June 8, 2013

Goat farm {year 3}

For the 3rd year in a row we were able to visit a goat farm close to our house with some friends.  I think it's one of the girls favorite things to do each year.  Who wouldn't want to run around on a ranch with baby goats all around to feed and play with?

Fin feeding her baby goat

Keira feeding hers

Norah getting help feeding hers

She loved the babies, maybe cause they're just her size

See that mama goat off to the right, that's what I feel like on a daily basis

Oh and this baby goat is very similar to a baby I know, should you be doing that?

Lets all climb the tree together

See what I mean about that baby that probably shouldn't be climbing stuff?

Maybe I'm really raising baby goats?

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