Saturday, October 13, 2012

South Texas Corn Maize

We headed to Hondo to visit the corn maize on sunday, perfect weather and even cold by Texas standards.  Last time we visited I was pregnant with Norah and it was super hot outside, see?  It was much more enjoyable this time around, the kids were bigger and seemed to get more out of it.  We did get lost in the corn for quite a while but finally managed to find out way out, the maze is big.  We ended up staying for around 3.5hrs and everyone slept the entire way home, well worth the trip.

How fun is this slide, they were on it for at least and hour straight.

Checking out the hay bales

Fin's kind of the world

 Of course Norah has to get in on the action

The cobs for the corn launching gun

See, I do exist! Heading into the maze.

 Norah's favorite thing to do was to "hide" in the corn until someone would find her, like I said we were in there for a while.

Surveying the land (aka cheating) to find our way out, we were desperate at this point.

We finally made it, what's better than fresh roasted corn as a reward?

Helping Norah on the big bouncy pillow, she loved it but 15mins of bouncing with a 20mths old is tiring.

Time to check out the pumpkins

Friday, October 12, 2012

Happy 6th Birthday Big Guy!

My first born baby turned 6yo last weekend, how is that possible?  Seems like we were just rocking him by the sink for hours on end and now he's a kindergartner.  We decided to forgo a kids party this year and just do a few special things with him instead.

We ate lunch with him at school on friday, he requested MckD's (ewww) but they weren't serving lunch yet so he decided he was ok with Sonic.  Can you tell how little fast food my kids get, they request it on their birthday..

Kev and I boobied trapped his door on friday night, hoping he wouldn't be too freaked out to come out of his room in the morning.  Not only was he not afraid to come out but he snuck under the crepe paper, I had to convince him to run through it and bust it open.

Opening his gifts from his sisters, Hess trucks all around.

 He also got several Lego sets, this is the first one he put together from Noni.  He finally has the patience to read the booklet and go step by step, he did it all by himself and was so proud.

Cake time, Happy Birthday O!

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