Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Pa and Noni visit

It's been almost a month since my last post, where has the time gone??  I can't even believe it's almost August already, someone please push the pause button on summer.  We've had a busy past few weeks and I only have 3 kiddos right now so no more excuses on updating, right?  Noni and Pa came to visit on the 4th of July, stayed for a few days and then headed back to MA with Owen.  I think they melted the entire 3 days they were here, their New England blood is not used to the Texas summer.  Here are a few photos of their time here.

We went to the Guadalupe River State park, not much of a river but it's all we got 'round these parts (we're in a drought after all)

Date night for Kev and I, a twice a year event (or whenever the grandparents are visiting)

Stopping at Centerpoint Station on the way to the Austin Airport.  Burgers and Ice Cream before a late flight, everyones happy.

We've been without O-dog for a week now and we miss him, he's having a great time back "home" and getting to see everyone.  We're headed back next week and our fingers are crossed that it's cooler there than it is here...

1 comment:

  1. owen came over last fri-sat swam at Melissa's pool, had cookout,Owen was great, fits right in with allthe boys, he slept in Harlins room . He is coming thursday, can,t wait. July 29, familly gathering,Kevin said good time is 2pm ok love you. Janet and Bob


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