Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Happy 4th Birthday girls!

Keira and Finley turned 4 a few weeks ago, totally crazy to me!  We had several cakes and parties for them, their real birthday/school birthday/birthday while Noni and Popi were here.  We keep things low key and just family and they don't seem to mind at all.  I know the day is coming when they will ask for a real party so until then we're enjoying the quiet ones.

They are getting so big and have such different personalities although they are absolutely the best of friends.  Keira loves anything girlie especially hair, clothes and jewelry.  She is amazingly athletic and agile and while wearing a princess dress can usually out do her brother in most physical activity.  Finley is super laid back and generally goes with the flow.  She loves all animals and often pretends to be a kitty cat.  She can outrun anyone in the neighborhood, I think she's gonna be a cross country star.  She may be quiet but will stand up for her brother or sisters in a fight any day, nobody wants to mess with the Welch kids in our hood.  We love you girls!

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