Tuesday, September 27, 2011

You're kidding right?

We were back at the doctor again this morning, O had a horrible night last night with fever and barking cough.  He barely slept and at one point while getting him a cold cloth he said "mom this is the worst night of my whole life", poor guy.  So we headed out this morning to see what was going on, maybe his strep had not fully cleared up since we just finished up his antibiotic a few days ago.  Nope, step test was clear and he now has the croup, you're kidding me right??  Back to the pharmacy we go for oral steroids, 4 kids in tow (thank God for the drive through window).  He is suppose to be in a steamy room for 10mins of every hour to help with the dry hacking cough part, this is the smallest room I could steam up really quickly.  He has to go into the toilet part of our master bathroom and passes the time play Angry Birds of course, no complaints - he's such a trooper.  So we're taking it easy today and hoping we can keep it away from the other three....

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