Thursday, February 3, 2011

Two weeks

Norah has been with us for two weeks now and we couldn't imagine our family without her.  She is doing great adjusting to the chaos that is our household and is our most mellow baby yet.  At her two week appointment she weighed 7.8 which means she has already gained more than a pound, I am very proud since all 3 of my other kids never gained this much at once.  She is an eating machine and this may be why, she's busy growing of course.

she seems so alert for a 2wk old

enjoying a nap with Noni


  1. She's so beautiful! Congrats!

  2. Love the look of your blog!! Norah is beautiful! :)

  3. Love her! And the kids are so sweet with her! Hope you are feeling well and having loads of help (so glad to see your parents in the pictures)...much love to all of you!


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