Tuesday, February 22, 2011

My Baby is one month old

Norah has been with us for one month now, it seems like I just gave birth last week.  She is getting use to the craziness that is our house and adjusting quite well.  She has already been to two different restaurants  and the rodeo, sleeping the whole time.  Kev and I joke that we didn't bring O-dog out for a long time and Norah has been out since a few days after her birth, things change the more kids you have.  She is nursing like a champ and seems to be gaining her fair share of weight.  She is just starting to give me a 3-4hr stretch at night and boy do I need it, having a newborn and 3 other kids is tiring.

We have a flasher

Peanut was suppose to be in time-out, we spend a lot of time in time-out around here lately.  When I went in to get her this is what I found:

She had taken off her pants (God knows why) and was standing up on her window sill.  The best part is that they are building a house right next door so I'm sure the construction guys got a good laugh.  Putting her in her room is always a gamble, she changes her outfit a million times and often rearranges her dresser.  I wish I had one of those rooms with padded walls or at least a room with nothing in it for them to touch, maybe in our next house...

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How sweet it is

I got these yummy cupcakes for Valentines day, I'm not much of a cupcake person but these are really good.

O and I ate two before I took this picture

Isn't this just so sweet?  O never naps unless he's totally exhausted and on a rare occasion he'll fall asleep on the couch.  He must have had a tough day at school yesterday because I got up to do some dishes and when I was done he was dead asleep on the couch.  He proceeded to sleep through all 3 of his sisters being up and playing all around him, preschool must be tiring...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

The answer is....

For all of you wondering what this picture really was:  I asked O what it was when he got home from school and he couldn't believe I didn't know.  He matter-of-fact stated that it was a camouflaged pig of course.  Kev was home on baby leave and he immediately chimed in that it's a good thing we're paying for him to go to preschool to draw camouflaged pigs (he's debating sending all 3 next year and this didn't help my cause much).

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Big Brother again

O dog having some alone time with Norah, not easy to come by since his 2 other sisters hardly let her out of their site.  We're growing his hair out for the time being,  mainly to avoid the whole haircut process we have to go through with him and boy does he have a lot of hair!

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Can you guess?

O-dog brought this home from school on friday, can you guess what it is?  If you can you're just as creative as him and we're getting our moneys worth sending him to preschool...

Thursday, February 10, 2011

A standstill

our humble abode

It snowed here the other day, about 1/4", and the whole city shut down.  Every major highway was closed, all schools and even Kev's work was cancelled.  A far cry from when we lived in OR and they hardly plowed all winter, the snow was over our windows and everyone just went about their business like normal.  The kids went outside for about 10mins, were ill-equipped clothes wise and came back in.  It was nice while it lasted but the kids and I are definitely warm weather people now!

a snow angel



Thursday, February 3, 2011


O has been really busy this past week helping Popi with all kinds of projects around the house.  I had them install blinds on our doors and O declared it was an official construction site and they needed hard hats to be safe.  Popi agreed of course (I don't think he had much of a chance) and they got right to work, job well done!

O-dog with the supplies

Two weeks

Norah has been with us for two weeks now and we couldn't imagine our family without her.  She is doing great adjusting to the chaos that is our household and is our most mellow baby yet.  At her two week appointment she weighed 7.8 which means she has already gained more than a pound, I am very proud since all 3 of my other kids never gained this much at once.  She is an eating machine and this may be why, she's busy growing of course.

she seems so alert for a 2wk old

enjoying a nap with Noni
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