Friday, January 7, 2011

Witte Museum

We checked out a local museum during Christmas break and while Daddy was home with us, it's getting tough for me to bring all 3 kids places these days.  We had a similar museum back in VA so we figured we'd check this one out too.  All in all it was decent but I probably wouldn't go back for a while or until they changed exhibits at least.  They did have a really neat bug exhibit with life size bugs that the kids were both intrigued/scared of, they moved and made noises at random which was kinda creepy.

a gigantic beetle

Keira checking out the real bugs

working the water wheel

Fin studying the machinery

We had a great time over Christmas break especially since Daddy got to spend so much time at home with us.  We are trying to do as much fun stuff as possible before the new baby comes and we will be even more busy here (hard to imagine).  

1 comment:

  1. I've been wondering if my girls would like the museum. Those bugs would scare them to death though! I can't imagine 4 kids, but I'm sure the new one will fit right in! (My twin sister has 4 and she says that they get easier and easier... her #4 (7 months) is very laid back and tags along on all of our expeditions!)


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