Friday, December 24, 2010

Can we go see Santa (again)...

O has been dying to see Santa (for the 5th time at least) so we took them to Bass Pro on wednesday morning.  Since this is our first year actually paying attention or caring about seeing Santa I didn't realize how busy it would be.  Well the line was super long and there was no convincing the kids that we've already seen him enough this year.  Now there are plenty of things to do at Bass Pro while waiting to see the Big Man, thank God...

Daddy helping Keira

the girls coloring

Clearly I am not the type of mom that gets their kids all dressed up to go see Santa, I wasn't really that well prepared for their interest in him this year.   Kev being the great Daddy he is waited in line for us while I entertained the kids in the store and finally it was our turn.  O went first, followed eagerly by Fin and Keira backed out last minute.  I could have been like the people in front of us and made her sit on his lap while she screamed and looked miserable but I really don't care if I get an annual picture with Santa, it was all their choice and I don't see the point in making my kids miserable.  By the time the photos were done and we had moved on to see the big fish tank Keira decided she wanted to get her picture taken and I had to explain there was no way we were waiting in that line again, she didn't seem to mind....

Isn't he a great Santa

I think they told him this is what they wanted for Christmas 

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