Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Time for work

Daddy to O to work with him today, he doesn't have any students and it's a low key week.  O was beside himself when he found out he was going, he loves going to the base.  Kev picked out his clothes and O did not agree he decided he needed to wear his flight suit as well since he was going to be a pilot today.  How handsome are my guys in their uniforms???

Monday, December 27, 2010

He came He came!

All 3 kids slept late on Christmas morning, I think till almost 8am and I had to wake Fin up so she wouldn't miss all the action.  Kev and I were already up and waiting for the chaos to begin when we hear Owen yelling from the living room, he came he came, quick come out here and see all the presents.  It was game on and we had better be ready...

K is on her scooter with her tiara on backwards, can you tell it's the first time they've had dress up stuff?

Fin getting her loot out of her stocking

laying on her new fairy pillowcase, it's the little things that make them happy.

so serious

The kids are so blessed to have so many people that spoil them, they got more than they needed for Christmas.  Some of the favorites were new scooters, cabbage patch kids, play kitties (K thinks hers is a bunny rabbit), remote control car, and new ATV's.  It is so much fun to see Christmas through the eyes of a child especially now that they are starting to get it more, this time next year we'll have 4 little ones to enjoy the season with.  Merry Christmas to all of you!

Friday, December 24, 2010

Can we go see Santa (again)...

O has been dying to see Santa (for the 5th time at least) so we took them to Bass Pro on wednesday morning.  Since this is our first year actually paying attention or caring about seeing Santa I didn't realize how busy it would be.  Well the line was super long and there was no convincing the kids that we've already seen him enough this year.  Now there are plenty of things to do at Bass Pro while waiting to see the Big Man, thank God...

Daddy helping Keira

the girls coloring

Clearly I am not the type of mom that gets their kids all dressed up to go see Santa, I wasn't really that well prepared for their interest in him this year.   Kev being the great Daddy he is waited in line for us while I entertained the kids in the store and finally it was our turn.  O went first, followed eagerly by Fin and Keira backed out last minute.  I could have been like the people in front of us and made her sit on his lap while she screamed and looked miserable but I really don't care if I get an annual picture with Santa, it was all their choice and I don't see the point in making my kids miserable.  By the time the photos were done and we had moved on to see the big fish tank Keira decided she wanted to get her picture taken and I had to explain there was no way we were waiting in that line again, she didn't seem to mind....

Isn't he a great Santa

I think they told him this is what they wanted for Christmas 

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Away in a manger

For you listening pleasure, Away in a Manger

Friday, December 17, 2010

Christmas chapel

The girls and I attended O's school Christmas Chapel this morning, they love going to brother's school.  It was so cute to see all the kids listening to the story of Christmas, their music teacher has all the patience in the world!  O loves any type of singing/performing, I swear he is going to be on Broadway someday.

After their chapel we got to go to his classroom for their Christmas party, even the girls got to participate.  I hope they are this eager when I drop them off for their first day of school next year!  

making a sticker nativity scene

decorating his cookie

fin enjoying her cookie

keira got one too

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Trimming the tree

We got our REAL Christmas tree last weekend and with Noni's help got it decorated.  I don't have high hopes that it will stay decorated since we've already had several casualties.  Hopefully we put most of our nicer ornaments out of reach and they'll make it through the season.

finding the perfect spot

Keira was not that interested

brother helping Fin

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Santa in style

When your daddy is a pilot Santa comes the the Christmas party in a Jet, granted it's not the Eagle but still impressive to the kids.  We had our squadron kids party last night and Santa arrived in style, gave each of the kids a gift and then the sugar high settled in.  I wish I had taken a few pictures while we were inside because kids were stealing candy off the tables left and right and the wrappers were the only proof all over the ground.

waiting patiently for their turn

this is when it pays to have a camera that people know how to use, clearly not this one.

 Fin was the only brave sole to sit on his lap

opening their loot, new Christmas books

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Elfie is back

Our friend Elfie is back to stay with us till Christmas night, he comes the night after Thanksgiving but we of course forgot to get him out.  With some quick thinking Kev got him out of the garage and set him up at the front door and rang the bell.  We had to leave him there until he was ready to come in since if you touch him he'll loose all his magic and won't be able to go report to Santa at nigh.  He's inside now and nice and comfy in the house.  The kids love finding him in the morning and we've Kev's only forgotten to move him once so far, pretty good.

Yes that is O-dog in a winter hat and hard hat, it's been chilly here in TX in the mornings and we are wimps in the cold.  The weather here is so crazy it could be in the low 40's in the morning and high 70's in the afternoon, layering is key.
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