Friday, December 14, 2012

Santa Photos

Here are the photos with Santa from our neighborhood party, O didn't want to sit with him which is fine with me (he was having too much fun playing with his buddies).

Norah was intrigued but would not go too close, notice the grip she has on my boob...

I feel like this photo will end up on an awkward Christmas photo website someday, just my luck!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

CC winter party and arctic swim

 We had our annual neighborhood party with the amazing face painters, balloon artists plus an amazing Santa, I love this neighborhood!  This is december in Texas, so much for the "arctic" swim part. Only O and Keira participated in the swim, Fin was still waiting for her balloon.  I'll post the Santa photos as soon as they email them to me.

Fin picked rudolph

O wanted a jet of course

 Keira got Aerial

waiting for the swim with all her friends, yes it's that warm out

O testing the water

Monday, December 10, 2012

Color Me Rad run

I registered for this race a while ago with the intention of Kev running it with me, I had a different running partner than planned.  O did a great job and probably ran about 80% of the race with a few breaks here and there (it was a 5k).  All the color you see it some type of colored corn starch mixutre aka "color bombs", the kids loved the stuff.  We ran with a few of my friends and their sons and the boys had a blast, what boy doesn't want to get dirty?  No lie the stuff was hard to get out, all four kids were covered and we had to really scrub in the shower but it was well worth it.

before we even started to run

the aftermath, notice my blue teeth

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Ft Sam quadrangle

A friend had told me about this place a while ago and I kept forgetting about it, we finally checked it out las weekend.  This explains in depth what it is, a pretty unique and fun place for kiddos that is totally free (perfect for us).  The animals inside are fairly tame (except for the goose that Norah pissed off and chased her like crazy) and really like to be fed.

the peacock were everywhere and so beautiful

Norah has no fear

 now she decides it's a good idea to pat the deer, Kev not so much

This is what happens when Norah is not listening, she has some serious listening issues

I so wish I had a photo of her goose encounter, it was so funny I nearly peed my pants laughing.  We were leaving and of course she didn't want to come and proceeded to do her own thing, tormenting the geese.  I told her a few times to get away from them but she decided it was in her best interest to not listen and try to pet the geese, not such a good idea.  One of the them got mad, nipped at her and chased her.  I've honestly never seen her move so fast and with such a look of "I'm in trouble" in her eyes.  She tripped and I scooped her up just in time but I did allow it to chase her for a little bit in hopes that she would learn a lesson, better start listening.  She was so mad at that goose and I can still remind her when she's not listening "remember what happened with the goose" and she sure does.  Maybe I should buy a goose for the backyard?
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