Thursday, September 29, 2011

Nutella Cookies

I'm slightly addicted to Pinterest, if you haven't checked it out yet you must!  I got this recipe there last week and decided to give it a try, Kev and the kids are my testers for new recipes.  It was super easy but a little on the bland side, I'd add some salt the next time around.  We had some last minute company on friday night so I decided to make the cookies into ice cream sandwiches (it's still well over 100 here most days), they were a big hit and so easy.  Here is the recipe, yes it only has 4 ingredients.

How can you really go wrong with Nutella anyway?  We spread it on warm tortillas, toast, and even ritz crackers, mmmmm.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


Somebody decided it would be a good idea to welcome our guests, this is the window to the right side of the front door.  I think it was Finley since she's always messing with this window and she was suppose to be napping at the time, who knows how long they've been there...

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

You're kidding right?

We were back at the doctor again this morning, O had a horrible night last night with fever and barking cough.  He barely slept and at one point while getting him a cold cloth he said "mom this is the worst night of my whole life", poor guy.  So we headed out this morning to see what was going on, maybe his strep had not fully cleared up since we just finished up his antibiotic a few days ago.  Nope, step test was clear and he now has the croup, you're kidding me right??  Back to the pharmacy we go for oral steroids, 4 kids in tow (thank God for the drive through window).  He is suppose to be in a steamy room for 10mins of every hour to help with the dry hacking cough part, this is the smallest room I could steam up really quickly.  He has to go into the toilet part of our master bathroom and passes the time play Angry Birds of course, no complaints - he's such a trooper.  So we're taking it easy today and hoping we can keep it away from the other three....

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Come get me please...

I don't really remember the other kids being quite as funny as Norah, she has such a little personality.  She hardly ever cries but is by no means quiet.  When I get her up from her naps this is what I am greeted with.

she is often stuck in this position

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Idle hands

When you don't let your kids watch t.v. they find more creative things to do.

setting up his air force

taking every tire off every truck he owns

Look how many tires I have mom!

Monday, September 19, 2011

eight months

I'm eight months old today!  I'm sitting up all by myself (except when I get distracted and tip over) and have my two bottom teeth (hence the drool all over my belly).  I say da-da from the minute I get up until I go to bed, he is my favorite person in the world right now.  I love being busy and get bored very easy, the more commotion around me the better I like it.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

The hunter

Mason is not really much of an outdoor dog these days, he's getting old and does not really like the 100+ degree heat we have here.  He literally runs out to do his business and runs right back in, not the Mason he used to be.  Let him get whiff of something alive in our yard and he peps right up, he's been stalking this tree for over 2hrs now and has shown no signs of giving up.  I have no idea what is in there but I'll let you know once he catches it (lets hope it's not a family of bunnies).  Something has been digging up my strawberry plants maybe this is the culprit?

***update - Mason was never able to catch what he was looking for, after stalking the tree all day he finally gave up and came in.  A few minutes later I notice something moving, a decent sized lizard came out of the tree and sat in the grass for a while.  I'm glad it was only a lizard!


Daddy made us his homemade sauce last weekend paired with some spaghetti and meatballs the kids were in heaven (it's their favorite meal).  It took a while but his sauce has finally been perfected, he makes us a big pot and we freeze a lot of it to be used later.  Judging from the ring around the mouth I'd say it's delizioso!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

They're dropping like flies

We've had a tough week in the healthy department here at home.  Norah had a fever and was super cranky last week so I finally caved and brought her to the doctor, poor thing had strep and scarlet fever.  She was so miserable from the itchy rash that she would itch her head/face on anything including Kevin's beard.  After being on the antibiotic and some ibuprofen for a few days she's much better and almost back to normal.

Now this poor guy has it, we got it confirmed at yet another trip to the doctor yesterday.  He'd been saying his throat hurt which really meant it hurt since he never complains about aches/pains.  I knew instantly we had another man down, another trip to the pharmacy and more medicine for me to have to give.  It's a lot easier to deal with a sick 5yo than a sick 7mth old since he can tell me what he needs or wants (a million freezy pops a day).  Who's gonna be next??

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

I'm getting old

We celebrated my 33rd birthday this weekend, that just sounds so old.  I think I've aged quite a bit after having four kids in four years but I guess that's to be expected, right??  Anyway Kev made his famous eggs benedict for breakfast (it's the best ever) and of course I requested my all time favorite chocolate cake.  He's in trouble because Fin has developed quite a taste for the best cake in the world too, she's gonna start requesting one for her birthday.

Boy do my kids need haircuts....

Sunday, September 4, 2011


While I don't believe in letting my kids leave the house in any type of dress up stuff I do let them indulge at home.  Keira is in princess dress most of the time, she in convinced the crown is worn backwards.  My girlfriends often ask where she came from, clearly not my daughter.

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