Wednesday, August 25, 2010

First Day of Preschool

Today was O's first day at his new preschool, he's a veteran since he went last year in VA too.  We met his teacher on monday and he loved his classroom.  His teacher's name is Mrs Shepard and she's been teaching at his school for over 14yrs, she's super nice and he's going to have an awesome year.  He was so excited to get to school this morning, he went right into his classroom without even saying bye to us.  K on the other hand was crying like crazy cause she wanted to go to school with brother, F was indifferent and happy I'm sure to be staying with me.  K would not even get back into the truck until I convinced her that we could see brother on the way out (a slight lie).  He did awesome on his first day per Mrs Shepard and even learned a few new songs to teach the girls.

K had to get dressed so she was ready for school, I had to wake F up right as we were getting into the truck, she's our late sleeper.

The kids waiting to get picked up, they have a carpool lane which is a total lifesaver for me.

O's turn to get in the truck.

It took me a long time to find a school here that I liked, I think I looked at around 8 different ones before I found this one.  I am glad I kept looking because I know this is a great fit for O and he's going to learn so much this year.  The only downside is he has to be there by 8am which is super early for us to be out of the house.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Too big

My girls are getting so big and the attitudes are growing as well.  I think they are mostly just testing the waters but having 2 testing at the same time can really drive you nuts, good thing I am pretty laid back.  They wanted to model some of brothers hats for me and they love seeing the pictures after I take them so they were fairly cooperative this time, lucky me.

Sunday, August 15, 2010

One on one

I've been horrible at keeping up with this blog lately and taking photos of the kids in general.  Part of the reason is it's just so darn hot out and I'm usually carrying at least one kid so the last thing I want to drag around is my camera.  O is getting ready to start school and we've had to do all kids of stuff to get ready esp since we've just signed him up 2wks before they actually start.
Anyway a few weeks back K was not feeling good and had a fever for almost a week, no other symptoms but man was she burning up.  Kev took the other two to the pool one afternoon so it was just K and I at home, what a treat to have just one kid!  I asked her what she wanted to do and of course her first answer was play dough, they LOVE play dough and it is usually reserved for when they have their babysitter.  We did play dough for almost an hour and she was in heaven having mommy all to herself but as soon as the door alarm went off she was thrilled to see brother and sissy again.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Work time

We just got a lawnmower and we've lived here for almost 2mths now, the grass was getting slightly out of control.  O was more than thrilled to help daddy mow since yardwork is one of his favorites things to do.  Good thing our yard is not too big cause it was early afternoon and hot and O refuses to wear shorts, ever....

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