Tuesday, April 27, 2010


We had a fire on a cooler night last week

K was not too sure if she liked them once they were cooked

O couldn't get his cooked fast enough

F just wanted to eat hers out of the bag

 Notice Mason trying to get into the bag too

Who needs a fire when you can just eat plain old marshmallows off a stick??  

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Will someone just look at me P-L-E-A-S-E

Alright I get the picture nobody wants their photo taken today.........

Sunday, April 4, 2010

The big Egg Hunt

Not getting too close to the bunny

 Waiting for the egg hunt to begin

Eating the loot brother got for them

Job well done

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Beach fun

6 kids under 4 at the beach is just another day for us here in VA.  Our friends also have a set of twins and an older son, we have playdates as much as possible and we are used to the chaos.  They just moved to the beach at Ft Monroe so we have been spending a lot of time there.  At first K would not even take her shoes off in the sand, she now runs out and jumps right in to play.  We have a blast and come home very tired, usually at least 3 kids have breakdowns but that is just the norm around here.  As the weather warms up we get to spend much more time outside and it makes it much easier for both moms.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

best buds

this is O and his best bud Luke, they get along really well most times (except when they both want the same sand shovel).  Luke wants to be a construction worker so bad, he wears his hard hat (from my dad) everywhere he goes, even the beach.  We are so lucky to have met such great friends here in VA and will be very sad to leave them when we move to TX.

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