Monday, October 26, 2009

Backyard fun

O is feeling much better, almost back to his crazy self. Poor Fin is now in the midst of a fever but she is a trooper and is keeping up with her brother and sister.

The kids got to talk to Daddy last night on Skype, O loved it and couldn't get enough the girls not so sure about who that was in the computer. O misses his dad the most esp when he's in trouble or about to go to time out he suddenly "wants his daddy". Only a few more weeks to go but he doesn't know that....

We played outside between naps today and we found some big logs behind the shed, rolled them down the ramp and had so much fun....and nobody got hurt which is a good thing!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Honey Bees

Owen is sick, of course while Kev is away for 5wks. I am hoping the girls and I can avoid it but that's going to be near impossible. K is a scavenger for anything left laying around, drinks, food anything. Why would she want to eat the nice fresh organic food she gets at meal times when she could find bits and pieces of stuff laying around (for who knows how long). So we'll see how long we can ward these germs off.
I have been giving O honey, ice pops, ginger ale and tylenol, he is in heaven!!! So this morning he asked for some honey because you know mom I'm very sick. This is how the conversation grew:
O: Do you know honey makes us better when we're sick
E: Yes it does
O: Do you know honey bees sting you when they're scared (he was recently stung)
E: You're right they do
O: Did you know it rains when we kill a spider
E: Oh really
O: Did you know spiders eat squitos
E: They do
O: We need to get more spiders in the back yard mom
E: Yes I'll look into that
O: Can I have my honey now?
E: Sure

I have no idea where he got all that info but most of it was correct. Kids are amazing like little sponges soaking up stuff when you least expect it.
O is showing us a snail he found under one of our plants, he is a lover of all bugs
F is eating something she found in the mulch, hopefully not a bug.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Boys will be boys

Here we go we are going to try this whole family blog thing, hopefully I can keep up with it. I love reading other friends blogs and think it's a great way to keep everyone in the loop. So here goes nothing.

I was upstairs getting ready yesterday morning (no small feat with 3 under 3) and O calls up to say he has to go poop, OK just call me when your done. No less than 1 minute later he is calling me, there's no way he's that fast. I come downstairs and ask if he's all set? "No mom I need my magazine" So I go get his magazine and bring it in to him like a good mom should. "Thanks mom you know boys don't poop without reading magazines" Well no I didn't know that but I guess he's right cause we have a lot of magazines in our bathroom that I have never read before.

The things that come out of his 3yo mouth are so funny, I try not to laugh because sometimes he gets mad but most times I just can't help it. I laugh at my wee one's at least 10 times a day, if I wasn't laughing I'd surely be crying!
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