Friday, January 24, 2014

Baby Girl is three!

Norah turned three on Sunday, she was so proud and had been waiting for her birthday for weeks.  The only thing she asked for was jelly beans, not too hard to do.  She is definitely the fourth child, feistier than any of her siblings and very headstrong.  She loves making us laugh and is not afraid of much.  She loves going to gymnastics and playing with the big kids in the neighborhood, she keeps up with them too.  She and mason have a love hate relationship, she loves him too much and he only tolerates her because she feeds him so much.  Daddy made her his amazing chocolate cake, spoiled!  We love you stinker!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Happy New Year {2014}

I know, I know I haven't written a single post since last June, yikes!  I have several excuses including being a single mom for 7mths, selling our house in TX (sniff sniff), taking a nice long vacation back home in MA and finally moving across the country to OR.  I figure a new year is the perfect time to attempt to get back on track with the blog.  I also have to dust off my big girl camera and use it more often than my iPhone, two of my goals for 2014 (along with many more).

For the second year in a row we've gone bowling on New Year's Day, a new family tradition in the works?  Bowling with six people in one lane for ten rounds (is that even what you call it?) takes a long time, kids were maxed out after a single game.

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